Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day Armoir

This Earth Day I finished up my armoir. It was a piece that was owned by my grandmother (but definitely not antique). She bought it before she went to an assisted living home. I received it, and it lived in my son's room as his wardrobe. I had glued airplane hooks to the front of the doors that were cute at the time, so when when I went to take them off, it sort of damaged the finish. This has been moved and moved again, so it had many nicks and scrapes. I got some free paint at LCM, repainted the whole thing white, and experimented with a taupe color, and did an old technique of making it look like linen on the front and top of the piece. Now it houses tons of toys, and makes the playroom more peaceful and neat. (PS, notice the antique globe on top, another LCM score!)

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