Sunday, June 20, 2010

Toy Kitchen

What a score this was! I have had this piece for about a month now...found it at LCM. It was way out in the back lot, I saw it, about ran over to it, and just grabbed it and starting walking towards the register. It is solid wood, and quite heavy for a long walk. But I was NOT going to put it down and risk loosing it. This lady took pity on me, she had an empty cart, and offered it to me, thankfully I accepted. Brought it to the register, they quoted it at $6, and I gladly paid that. Once I got it home, I realized that it was definitely hand made, there was a man signature on the bottom. After looking on line, I am pretty certain that it is made from the Amish, and I have found similar ones on the Internet for at least $150 - $199. With $14 in paint, and some scrap fabric I had, and a $1.29 for the rod to hold the fabric..Maisy has a new kitchen. I put it right in my kitchen so she feels like she's part of the action.


  1. Let's go to LCM together! This is amazing and beautiful Alena!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, I am SOOO jealous! I have been wanting a nice sturdy hand-made wooden kitchen for my kids for AGES :-o I might have fought you for it if I had been at LCM that day. I LOOOVE LCM - I think it is the thing I miss the most about Monterey :(

    Great job refinishing it, by the way!! Cute cute!
